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Give to the Knox Martin Foundation for Brain Cancer Research

Give now to help fund and find the next breakthrough in brain cancer research!

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Despite being first identified in the scientific literature in the 1920s, there are only four FDA-approved drugs to treat Glioblastoma (GBM). Four in 100 years. For Glioblastoma (GBM), the five-year relative survival rate is only 7.2% and median survival is only 8 months.

These devastating statistics attest to the underfunded and under-researched nature of brain cancer treatments – particularly treatments for high-grade gliomas.

The Knox Martin Foundation for Brain Cancer Research was created to reverse the underfunded and under-researched nature of brain cancer by funding innovative research on the most aggressive forms of brain cancer - Glioblastoma (GBM).

For more information on the Knox Martin Foundation, visit